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 Bargained Sentencing

Final Sentencing

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Manslaughter/Murder You Decide....

On or about May 15, 2004, April (Smith) Williams admitted to doing whatever she could to make sure Nailah was dead. April, during the whole ordeal of killing Nailah had more than enough opportunities to gain control of herself , if in fact, she was out of control. April choked Nailah until Nailah urinated on herself and slumped to the floor, opportunity #1. April angry Nailah soiled herself, ordered her to get undress and whipped Nailah's naked body with a belt and ordered her to get in the tub. Once in the tub April showered Nailah with hot water and then with cold according to the news report. During this showering ordeal, court officials stated on June 9, 2004, the phone ringed, April stopped what she was doing, talked on the phone,(opportunity#2) came back and finished the job, ultimately killing Nailah. Manslaughter or Murder, you decide. April did not lose it (lose her mind), April was very much in control, so much in control she did whatever she could to make sure Nailah was dead.


What's New with My Subject?

April (Smith) Williams and Donnyell Williams, according to court officials on June 9, 2004, state that this abuse regarding Nailah Sabree was an ongoing practice of both accused dating back to Fall of 2003. The accusations were around the same time the two accused were just married. These accusations included locking Nailah in a dark closet to help her get over her fear of the dark, locking her outside at night, raining, in 40 degree weather with no coat, hat or any protective gear against the harsh conditions outside until she shut up crying, and last but definitely not least the grand finale which was said to have ultimately have killed Nailah, the shower head incident. This incident involved showering Nailah first with hot water and then cold causing Nailah to slip and fall trying to avoid this harsh treatment. It was said to be a regular practice of April and Donnyell as a means for teaching Nailah a lesson to not be" a bad little girl". It is not known at this time if there were any other "creative measures" -as Donnyell would like to call it- that Donnyell and April may have done to torture Nailah over the very few months these two joined in matrimony. Yet through it all, I was not informed of any of the incidences discovered by base officials regarding the endangerment of my child. Prior to four months of Nailah's death and two weeks that Nailah was in physical custody of the Williams', court officials closed an ongoing custody case beginning since Nailah was a year and a half of age, and deemed the Williams to be the "best interest of the child" due to my "economical instability"..... Ladies and gentlemen, our "justice" system at work once again.... Update August 2005...  Plea bargain has been reduced regarding a second degree murder charge back to the insulting charge of voluntary manslaughter without any consideration of my input requests for stiffer punishment, and the hardest part about all of this is that what I say or request does not matter and even more horrible than that there is nothing I can do about it because of my status on the VIP list regarding who's oppinion really matters. Basically all I can do is sit back and watch this entire nightmare unfold before me. Another injustice swallowed, with no recourse, except only to try to plan for the future mothers and fathers and child victims to provide tougher laws and stiffer retributions so that the cycle does not continue. Somebody has stand up and stop being sick and tired of being sick and tired and save our babies. I can no longer save my baby, nor can I correct the system in regards to my daughter's case. That opportunity was a feeble attempt, hit and miss. However, I can make a difference with the rest of our babies here in America, because there is no such thing as "my baby", "our babies" is everybody's baby and that is how we need to look at it. Let us stop living singularly and join forces together on a much broader band of expansion in order to create that explosion we need to get the right one's attention to make a critical change of a lifetime for all of us.We are all connected and this is a vital rule to remember, each mother that has gone through this same kind of tragedy and worse, appears they have suffered alone. But that is just it they didn't, we suffered with them and are still suffering on a much grander scheme of things. The only thing these mothers and I did alone was fight and that is where we as a people and as a family have failed and will continue to fail if we don't refuse to let these mothers fight by themselves and join forces with the mightest force amongst all, and that's God almighty and put an end to this madness, this corruption and detruction. We are a puzzle, waiting to be joined into one big fine master piece and we can not do that singularly. Let's make a difference in our lives and demand our children be protected - that is their God given right! See Update October 2005 on title page "Updates"......


I can't stress enough the need for greater emphasis on stiffer punishment for those who hurt our children, who in turn hurt our future.....