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 Bargained Sentencing

Final Sentencing

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Here's what Nailah's Auntie had to say..............


MURDER rings out loud in the ears of all that hear the story. No one body can deny such a horrendous ordeal. Murder stands alone and is a term which speaks for itself, any additional attachments of 1st degree, 2nd degree, or third degree is simply not needed. There is simply no such thing as degrees of murder. Murder is simply that, MURDER!!!!!!. End of story.


The term simply does not belong and needs to be tossed!

Mommy holding baby lovingly and tenderly in chair.....

Isn't it amazing how our children can understand the meaning of true love and tender care better than some of us adults could ever fathom. How is it that a 4 year old knows how to love a child better than a 23 year old, who due to extensive years of evolvement is deemed more "mature".

Mommy Smiles For The Camera....

Mommy poses for the camera while careful not to wake the baby.

They say Manslaughter, I say Murder!

What is this? I mean don't slap me in the face and call it a kiss. What an insult for them to even start out with a charge of Manslaughter. When this woman openly admitted to doing whatever she could to make sure Nailah was dead. This is claerly an outrage , not just for me as Nailah's mother, but I am sure for any mother who is a victim or not. You don't murder a child and turn around and say "oops". If that's not a contradicition, then please tell me what is! You either meant to do it or you didn't. Doesn't take a rocket scientist!

Mommy Takes Baby For A Walk....

April could sure take lessons from her own victim of how a child should really be treated. Now ain't that pathetic.

There are not enough words to express my sorrow.......

Let's see here. I am disappointed number one in Nailah's father, for Nailah loved that man. Yet unfortunately for Nailah, Nailah's father did not love her. Any man who could have the audacity to claim love for his child and still support the woman who murdered this same child get out of jail, not only does not love his child but is far more worse than the murderer herself. Who could ever imagine that there could be someone worse than the lowest of scum, a murderer. However, a father who could do such a thing to his first and only child top ranks the murderer even, wouldn't you agree.... April (Smith) Williams, on the other hand is definitely not far off on my list of disappointments, not so much that she could do such a thing, but in fact that any humane human being could exercise such a horrific demon possessed criminal act such as murder to God's most precious gift of a child. Last but definitely not least on my list of disappointments, I am disappointed in the way in which the system has demostrated in the past at how they handled similar cases with little justice and with the lack of attention  towards the protection of our children. I pray the punishment is administered to its worthy candidate with the emphasis that she deserves.