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Too Many Coincidences, To Be A Coincidence!....

 I write with serious concern and outright disgust at how this case (U.S.A vs. Williams) is being handled or rather "mis"handled I should say. A year and a half has turned over and so has my little girl in her grave. No beating around the bush, let's get right to the point- SOME SERIOUS FOUL-PLAY IS GOING ON! However, hardcore evidence to this accusation lacks due to a tight-lipped affair between the U.S. Attorneys (Ronald Chillemi, Christopher Christie;etc),Victim Witness Specialists (Shirley Extraseur and Rosa Salloum), FBI agents ( John Mulligan, Mitchell Stern;etc), OSI Airforce Investigative agents (Tamara Henderson;etc), and myself, the biological mother. This affair in itself suggests concealed evidence following a hidden agenda to keep the government looking and smelling sweet on the outside. Evidence listed below that is already available is worthy of a murder conviction and as I mentioned earlier this is not even all the evidence, for the hardcore evidence is being concealed, classified, and more importantly Top Secret Information kept from even I and I am the mother. Shouldn't I have the right to know what happened to my daughter inside and out? Evidently not, according to said officials mentioned above.Suspicious?, I know I definitely am. Here's some more food for thought: 

Above you will notice a picture of April Smith and husband,Staff Sergeant Donnyell Williams, father of victim. April murdered my 4 year old but is only being charged with voluntary manslaughter, while father equally guilty of murder stood by and let this happen to his own child but is not even being prosecuted for this horrendous crime. 

Food For Thought....

For example, the reason why the FBI agent John Mulligan would report case closed while at the same time say I have no rights to this same police report is beyond me, or


The reason why the FBI are done investigating since the claim of the murderess, April Smith-Williams' plead of guilty to voluntary-manslaughter, but yet the Airforce OSI investigation is still open paralyzing my access even to these reports possibly now until 60 to 90 days from September 2005, when the sentencing hearing for the murderess was scheduled for October 27, 2005, then changed to November 3, 2005, and now is being scheduled for date unkown for reason being per Chillemi, to gather more defense experts once again catering to the muderer and not the victim, but case is closed with FBI and open still with Airforce OSI. Almost two years April has been free after murdering my 4 year old and they just can't seem to get her locked up!!!!!!!! When time served per plea agreement per Chillemi may only amount to 4 or 5 years if that much. I wish these people would stop slapping me in my face and stomping in my insides, and calling it love and affection, because judging from said officials reactions that is exactly what they account April's demonic offenses toward my 4 year old daughter exemplified- love and affection- this is a complete mockery of my feelings, my family's feelings and my daughter's entire self-worth!, or

The reason why my father and I are called up there to New Jersey from Georgia for an emergency meeting in response to a very lengthy book Voicing my concerns and given the promise to get me a copy of the autopsy report and police report by U.S. Attorneys and Victim Witness Specialists, and how after a month and a half later of having not received promised reports by myself, they denied ever having promised such reports. Lucky for me I had my father there as an extra witness as opposed to my one word against the word of all law officials mentioned above in that conference room that day. Unlucky for me however, the word of my father and I, I have a strong feeling may still not be enough in this system with the government so foul and full of bile. Why was this done? Was this in an attempt to console the poor distraught mother at that moment in order to subdue this damsel in distress from any rash behavior to or against opponents in discussion whether it be physically or politically, I don't know, or

The reason why I was told there was no question of more than one life insurance policy on my daughter by U.S. Attorneys and FBI, but when spoke to OSI agent Tamara Henderson of the Air force that although she could not confirm or deny said allegations that there was an indication of more than one policy on my child with the "great" grandmother being a definite policy holder, or

More Food For Thought.....

The reason why when I made this life insurance policy deal apparent to prosecuting U.S. Attorneys they quickly dismissed the notion, retorting simply that this was not their concern- a pertinent tool of evidence that would prove worthy in my oppinion in such a case of foul-play- yet they are not concerned about multiple life insurance policies - a possible excess of five different life insurance policies on my daughter by father of deceases' family. That lack of concern in itself rings out loud once again that ther is foul-play going on by all parties involved along with their repeated concealment efforts from the mother of the victim to know anything about daughter's case, or

The reason why my daughter's father Staff Sergeant Donnyell Javon Williams is not even being charged with anything when Donnyell expressed his extreme concern to my sister over the phone about the deceased being around wife for wife and murderer April Smith's lack of patience, but left my child alone with this demon, not for a few minutes, hours, or even a few days, but with intentions of several days with this demonic woman.Also why after learning that this newly wed wife murdered his first and only child he would still support this evil woman, so much so, he assured the judge he would protect and use extreme supervision while also providing living quarters just for the defendent off base, since of course their home on base now was off limits to this newly wed wife, a criminal and a murderer. Why would any father go through such measures unless of course they had something to hide and something they did they did not want to risk getting out if she were to crack under pressure if left bound behind bars, hmmm.....( things that make you go hmmm..),or

Why everybody for the past year and a half that I have attempted to put on the case, initially there is excitement and promise to defend me and family from private investigators, news investigative teams, and attorney after attorney, why all of them I never hear from again and when I attempt to contact again I can't get in contact with them. Is this just my imagination, I think not, something is definitely going on here,or

The reason why U.S. Attorneys initially set forth to consider a charge of 2nd degree murder for April Smith, which was also an attempt to encourage her to plead guilty in a plea bargain for a lighter sentence and other bargain deals, benefits, and privileges, and in only three weeks to a month later I call to get an update and U.S. attorney Ronald Chillemi made a plea bargain alright, a plea bargain only for volutary manslaughter. There was a question whether or not murder was appropriate and could be proven according to U.S. attorney Chillemi and his boss Christopher Christie- although in my oppinion there was more than enough evidence to prove murder and I don't even have all the evidence, so what does that say,- however according to U.S. Attorneys they didn't need to settle for a plea bargain of voluntary manslaughter, something they even admitted themselves they had more than enough evidence to prove this said charge, why I ask, unless there is a hidden agenda and they are all hiding something in order to reap benefits of not facing penalties for such foul-play. I, the victim, where's my benefits, I ask. Thay have shown total disregard and lack of concern for my well-being period, and I am the victim, and they're running around here like they're the affirmative victims here when really they are only victims of their own deceit, which well should be. What kind of justice is this served to such irregular victims of their own demise? Long story, short, a simple case of too many coincidences to be a coincidence.


So my question is to you all, would you label me as just being a paranoid schizophrenic driven here by an unfortunate dramatic and traumatic turn of events or does reality of the events described create doubt for you too. ...

                                                                To Be Continued....




Updated November 20, 2005, Ladies and gentlemen, the drama and lies continue, probation officer Mary Jane Fisher for April Smith gives me a call on November 16, 2005 asking for me and for my family to reveal to them our input regarding our victim impact statements, she emphasized the fact that our statements will be revealed to the courts-the judge, prosecutors and defense,basically a preview and giveaway for defense to develop a defense for each and every argument and concern my family and I may have. However she also mentioned that Donnyell Williams, father of my child and supporter of defense and murderess wife, agreed to submit a statement, when I asked if my family and I were going to be able to review that statement, she quickly assured me no and acted as if it was absurd for me to even dare asking such a question when clearly that was my exact sentiments primarily when my family and I was addressed with the same question. I am highly offended at this continued mockery of the intelligence of both my family and myself.Victim Witness Specialists continues to convince my family and I that a new specialty is what they need to invest in because so far they have not upheld the title for which they claim to specialize and honor. Victim Witness Specialist Shirley Extranseur failed to give me a warning call that the opposing team (probation officer) was to give me a call, no complimetary heads up what-so-ever, one of the many duties of a specialist to sort of absorb any shock unnecessary already considering the intial shock being dealt with of learning that my 4 year old was not only dead but was murdered by her demonic stepmother. Further Extranseur, immediately dismissed the blame in a sly concealed manner by asking if I had in fact received a call from the probation officer and when I told her in fact I had she simply retorted 'good, now what can i do for you'.This statement and behavior was only displayed after I had to call her myself to inquire upon this continued lackadaisical attitude tossed towards my family and I. Knowing the history of the Victim Witness Specialists and their pathetic sense of time and consideration of the schedules of my family and I throughout this whole ordeal, I wanted to do proper planning, and so I proceeded to asked if it was necessary to provide her with a list of family members for flight travel attending the final sentencing hearing- a promise Ms. Extranseur has made more than once to provide for my family's travel - and she immediately replied they were not going to do that, it was never promised, and that they simply did not have it in the budget in a very abrupt fashion, leaving no room for discussion, case closed! Lies, lies, lies! Way to go, "Victim" Witness "Specialists" You have convinced me more and more each day just how much you need to specialize in finding another job, one that does not require such sensitivity with highly sensitive issues involving the lives and emotions of human beings.

December 23, 2005 - Probation Officer Mary Jane Fisher calls frequently now on behalf of victim witness specialist, but yet I can not get Ms. Exstranseur, victim witness specialist to give me a call or return my calls. Yet Ms. Fisher is all of a sudden lately the spokes person for Ms. Extranseur, now promising once again that they will provide travel for myself and two other individuals of my family but under the conditions that we give up our social security numbers and addresses, sensitive information never asked for before when travel was provided. This was a message that was delivered by Ms. Fisher, not Ms Extranseur to add to the suspicion. I don't know what kind of business these people are running but they sure are indecently proposing and have been since the very beginning, a condition that has yet to be re-conditioned.