Thank You......
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 Bargained Sentencing

Final Sentencing

Thank You


To All My Supporters....

I know I say it all the time but I just can't say it enough-- Thank you all so much for your prayers and support throughout this long streinous year and a half. Your thoughts and prayers have helped more than you all could ever know. I pray you all will continue to help support a lot of other mothers and fathers who need our help in the future. For it is through God and each other we gain such strength strong enough to take away any evil that dares meet us head on. However, my plight does not stop here, for it is from here where I began a life long mission to create that haven children need everywhere and it is with everyone sticking together that we can do just that.  We all need to continue to stick together and support one another when the other one is down and help pick them back up if they should fall. I am truly thankful to God for your pick-me-up, throughout it all. I hope we all can join forces again someday, however not on such a sour note but rather on a more rewarding one with our children constituted as our reward.

A Special Thanks.......

First and foremost, Thank you God, for without you there wouldn't be. To my mother just for being my mother, to my father for always believing in me, rooting for me even when everyone else has given up on me, and thank to my stepmother for first of all not literally killing me like April did Nailah and also for supporting both my father and I throughout this whole ordeal, to Corie my love, no one knows what we have been through and continue to go through on a day to day basis since I lost my first love, however Thank you for taking the beating and for giving the beating while all along still continuing to supply me with love and support, thank to all my sisters, brothers, and cousins. Thank you to all my aunts and uncles for everything. Thank you Pastor 'Oneal, Mrs. 'Oneal and entire Skidaway Baptist Church, Thank you Minister Witherspoon, and Thank You to Conner's Temple Baptist Church, Thank you to all friends and family----- I love you all.....

Dedicated To April, The government, and Justice System......

I believe my father, Amir Sabree and Uncle Kenneth summed it up best. Dedicated to April Lyn Smith-Williams-- may God have the same mercy on you that you displayed upon Nailah Khalisah Sana Sabree, no less. As far as for the government and "justice" system, may God apply the same justice upon you according to that which was was given in this case, no more.


Nailah you are loved by so many and will remain in the hearts of us all, God Loves You Best, Moma Loves You Most, 2 gether 4 ever "moma and "toot toot","stinky stink", "boo, boo", "tootsie roll", tootsie roll pop"---a little girl of many names, birth names and nick names....