Final Sentencing....
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 Bargained Sentencing

Final Sentencing

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A sentence more than what was expected, however significantly reduced.......

Ladies and Gentleman, I guess some would say I was ungrateful for still not being satisfied at the final ruling. Let's just look at that for a moment. Is there really a point where a mother whose only child has been murdered and whose offender was only charged with manslaughter can really be happy or satisfied with the results when it was clear by the courts forensic science and all parties involved, including those not involved that the true nature of this crime was indeed Murder. However, April Smith-Williams was only charged with 9 years and 4 months in the New Jersey Federal Prison. Not only did this woman only get 9 years, but this woman after being free for a WHOLE YEAR AND A HALF prior to sentencing was pardoned another thirty days to be free and so called "time to prepare for lock-up". Is this not a slap in my face, wouldn't you all agree I should be angry at this constant accomodation betowed upon this vicious evil woman, I mean she had a year and a half for all the preparation and then some, why would the system allow such offensive behavior against me and my family after all we have suffered already. It is not enough she only gets 9 years for a crime which deserves nothing less than Life without parole, but this woman is still FREE!!!!!! No I am not satisfied and I don't think there is anything that will satisfy me 100% except of course if they could give me my little girl back, and we all know for a fact that unfortunately this cannot happen, however, her life for my daughter's life, life without parole, I feel will come close to as much justice as we can get for a life so unjustly taken.This case was a complete mockery of  our "justice system" and our corrupt government. If all that was not enough the defense further asked to be pardoned of having to serve her time in the New Jersey Federal Prison, but requested to serve her time in Illinois instead to make travel easy on the family. Was the victim once again considered in this request or decision, so far no they have not. Was the victim considered in all the traveling we had to do for this past year and a half back and forth several times. How many privileges and accomodations is one murderess allowed. Where does the madness stop? When is the victim considered in all of this? When I ask, for I am still looking for some answers.... Stay tuned, to be continued....

  ?April's Family?

What does April's Family have to do with any of this? April's Family once again has showed their a_ _ in the court room as I expressed my grief and sorrows concerning  this whole ordeal. They laughed and cackled as I struggled to tell my story trying not to totally break down, they screamed how I was a liar when in fact every word that came from my mouth was the absolute truth and they could not handle the truth. They did not want to believe their April could do these things. Why would these people do these things, even the most meanest people in the world would have enough respect to show some kind of remorse or sympathy, but these people didn't. Only the most evil people in the world would dare laugh at such an occasion. I did'nt realize this many evil people existed in one family. I mean you hear of maybe one bad apple out of the bunch, but several in one family. So please tell me why in the world would the court dare even consider the family at all in this situation. Again I ask what is wrong with this picture?        Stay tuned, to be continued........


  April's Love speech....

April made a pathetic attempt to apologize for what she has done after a year and a half and fails miserably. She didn't even apologize! She kept mumbling on and on about how we just don't know what she has been going through, we just don't know how bad she is suffering and worst of all ladies and gentlemen, yes she dared say it out of her mouth declaring her absolute love for Nailah and how she might even love Nailah more than me, Nailah's mother. We don't know what she is going through!, let's take a minute and guess what we the victims have been going through now that our beloved is gone thanks to April's unmerciful and evil hands. Who cares what she is going through! Can you believe it, I sure can't. Not one time in her love speech did she mention she was sorry, however it was very apparent that she was very sorry for the repercussions she now has to suffer that's about as far as her remorse goes. Basically ladies and gentleman I had to tone this woman out, otherwise I would have had to kill her. This same woman who put her hands around my baby's neck and literally choked my baby to death, according to forensics, didn't call ambulance to 40 minutes later, ambulance got there in 4 minutes and there was rigor mortis already setting in my baby's jaw, yeah, but this woman loves my baby more than me. Please don't make me throw up here!!!!!!! Murder, Murder, Murder, it is clear what this case is and yet this woman skates with only a charge of manslaughter, therefore 9 years is the max this woman can receive, and oh yeah April took the time to explain to me why Donnyell, Nailah's "father", still supports her, saying that he loves her and she loves him very much, and she apologizes to him everyday for what she has done. Did she really think we wanted to hear why they are supporting each other for murdering my child. Give me a break!!!!!!!         Stay tuned, to be continued......


  Loyalty Extends Tremendously Without Falter.....

Yes, believe it or not Staff Sergeant Donnyell was loyal 'til the end, sitting in support with April's family as they laughed and cackled at my pain and suffering. Donnyell left the court room several times in angry fits as my words hit him like daggers. What concerned me most is Donnyell's reaction when a sentence of 9 years and 4 months was handed down from the court. Donnyell immediately hung his head in defeat and disappointment. I haven't seen this much emotion expressed by Donnyell about anything including his own daughter's death, ever. Is this man not confused or what, this woman just killed your one and only child and you are saddened that she is being put away for "only" 9 years. How about  being enraged  that she did not get enough time. How about demanding more time than was given, what do both Donnyell and April have to hide, what is really going on? Why still does loyalty continue to stretch  in the wrong direction with further accomodation  for Staff Sergeant Williams with the Air Force, why does their loyalty stand firm with him, protecting him from persecution, when it clear, there is some funny business going? Questions, questions, questions, a lot of unanswered questions. All this loyalty being displayed but all being applied in all the wrong places......

Updated March 2, 2006- April Williams currently serves her time in the  Danbury Correctional Facility, a minimum security prison for woman, in Danbury, Connecticut, because she wasn't "classified" enough to serve her time in the New Jersey Prison, classified in broken down terms -- not violent enough, can you believe these people, after everything she has done to my angel and she is not violent enough! I guess she would have had to have been a little bit more challenged with her victim, someone more on her level and speed in order to determine whether or not she could be "classified" enough or qualified as a violent enough person for the New Jersey Prison , for after all Nailah, barely a four year old, was no contest, not much effort or degree of violence needed in order to terminate her little life, so therefore I guess it would be accurate to say she has not displayed enough violence for a maximum security prison, what do you think America............ These people never cease to amaze me--- No, April's family did not get their choice of Illinois, which is commendable, however  as you can see we have a long way to go as far as justice is concerned!!!!!!! America throughout this entire trial, if you have been following, it's just cases like this one of many and worse which continue to let us know further as citizens of the United States that we have a lot of work to do!!!!