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 Bargained Sentencing

Final Sentencing

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I write with extreme concern. It is almost two years now since the murder of my child, the offender laughs freely and still waits, and my daughter’s case is repeatedly dismissed with no regard by anyone with the exception of by her mother and her mother’s family. I am sick and tired of this continued lackadaisical attitude concerning my daughter’s slaughtering. Call me crazy, but is it my imagination that I am being blatantly ignored, pushed aside, dismissed, and quite frankly being given the run-around by any and everyone concerning my daughter’s case.


I failed as a mother by allowing my child to be involved in her father’s life- that was my crime, but yet there is no second chance for me. The defendant and I both committed crimes, but yet I seem to be the only one suffering, I seem to be the only one being stripped of everything that ever meant anything to me. Why should April receive a break, why should she receive a second chance, we both committed crimes which resulted in a tremendous loss, but yet so far unfortunate for me it is one of those costly mistakes that don’t offer that second chance, it is one of the toughest life lessons, a life sentence I have to live with for the rest of my life. So why I ask should April not receive the same fate for an equally costly crime of 1st degree murder and a life sentence to pay? I only wish I was so privileged to have a choice in the matter, as did April in this case, to serve a lesser sentence, however thanks to April Williams herself I am left with no choice, but to serve that life sentence that April has given me. It seems, April is pulling all the strings in this case, how ludicrous is that. I mean shouldn’t, I the victim, at the very least have that privilege bestowed on me and this is only in a pathetic attempt to lessen the burden of grief for a life which I can never get back, ever. I mean what is going on here. Is this the way to treat victims during such a horrific ordeal. I mean I am totally outraged at the audacity of the political behavior brought into such a sensitive area, period. This is not a political situation and therefore  should not be handled as such.



Since there does not appear to be a strong argument to outweigh one or the other against a charge of 1st degree murder or for a 2nd   degree charge of murder equally judged through expressed opinions, why not favor the highest degree on an attempt to allow justice served to its fullest potential for an innocent life terminated, when chances either way do not seem probable according to prosecuting attorneys. Simply a choice of the better justice of the two would do.


Voluntary Manslaughter definitely does not apply and should be scratched or eliminated as an option therefore pushing choices up two notches above being 1st degree with 2nd degree murder as a back-up. We all are humans, no more significant than the other, and I believe we all should be treated as such with equal justice for all according to the degree of crime committed and murder being the ultimate crime should be handled with the ultimate punishment of life in prison without chance for parole.





  A Truly Vital and Demanding Representative For Both Our Country and As A Father and Fails Miserably at Upholding the Proper Standards For Either One....


It is baffling regarding the delayed response to properly investigate the fraudulent nature of a soldier in the midst of our united states military, a soldier desperately a misrepresentation and a complete disgrace to our country. I’m intensely trying to understand what message is really trying to be sent to the citizens of our country of this mockery unveiled. However, a misinterpretation of this concoction delivered is not altogether dismissed. Could it be I am mistaken as to the state of motives exploited here? What the HELL am I getting at?


Soldier boy, SSG Donnyell Javon Williams. No crime was committed here by soldier boy you say. Well pardon me if I beg to differ on this one. Several holes are presented in this case involving soldier boy alone. Surely these holes although there are not yet burdens of proof or hard evidence that I know of available to fill them, however for what I do have should still be enough to raise anybody’s suspicion of the entire matter. Where there are holes, there are questions, and where there are questions, especially too many questions, there lies an incomplete, unsettled case with not enough answers in itself which brings forth conviction “ guilty until proven innocent". Whatever happened to that conceptual way of doing things. There are way too many questions to have soldier boy not only, still serving our country in a fraudulent nature- there is absolutely no “honor” in this, an attribute that is a must in representing our country- but he should receive a suspended leave of absence without pay, detained or both.  Yes sir, the wrong message is being conveyed in not just a small way, but in fact in a very big way, indeed.


Government Corruption At It's Finest........


           Let’s take a look at the civilian judicial system - “guilty until proven innocent” is a concept used most often than not. A different set of rules you say. I say can’t be true, because apparently when all is convenient “guilty until proven innocent” is a concept the military works well with. I must say I can attest and not merely on just hearsay either, but in fact based on first hand experience. I remember it like it was yesterday, and oh what an experience it was, the AirForce made my life HELL then and just couldn’t end it with me but no it was taken a step further, a step too far I’d say because now they entered into the wrong territory with my child. I use to think the AirForce must have some kind of vendetta against me because I could not figure out for the life of me what I did so wrong to deserve everything the AirForce dished out to me, but now I know it is not so much the AirForce having a vendetta against me, who cares about that anymore, the more important question is the vendetta created with me now against the AirForce. I was handcuffed for the first time in my life for an offense that was assumed I committed, I was guilty until proven innocent real easy. I was raped, humiliated, I was guilty until proven innocent, my innocence still hangs questionably in the air by those other than by myself and my offender, my offender however innocent until proven guilty, still innocent until this day. Yet SSg Williams is innocent until proven guilty, it is not rules, but it is in fact preferential. In my case, we were both soldiers, in the same branch of service, serving on the same base, what was the preference, who knows, there were only two differences between us two soldiers, I was a woman, my offender was a man, you take a wild guess, uh huh, yep that would be ‘bout my guess too. What a sad shame to admit or have to look at, but unfortunately it is a truth which is real. A truth in fact that has yet to be resolved. However that is not the issue at hand now. The immediate issue involves a man, government property and dependent for whom the government is responsible for. SSG Williams has wreaked havoc of more than a reasonable doubt to allow prosecution to be sought with just the simple facts I do have, but yet nothing has been done yet, except for the complete disregard and mockery made of my daughter’s slaughtering. SSg Williams and his family has created more than a reasonable doubt of GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!


             SSG Williams refused to let me see my child’s body even after the tragedy of her murder, and if that wasn’t enough, he threatened to bury her in some foreign land of Chicago from which she was not of, from, or accustomed to, she was born and derived from Georgia not Illinois. If that was not enough, SSG Williams and his family, once the body was received in Savannah, further ordered that no one was to see the body, including me, the mother and my family, but allowed the Smith family to admire April’s handi-work and instructed that they keep the crank to the casket in order to ensure that these orders were adhered to. SSG Williams and his mother wanted to cremate my daughters body at one time, whether it was for financial reasons- even though they were the ones with the insurance policy on my baby -or if it was just for like all the other speculations and indications of their horrific behavior that just maybe they had something to hide. If that was not enough, SSG Williams and his family wanted to know what color limousines the funeral home had so that they could parade around Savannah, Georgia like tourists on a vacation or like they were attending an Emmy awards ceremony instead of a funeral. If that was not bad enough SSG Williams and his family ordered not one, not two, but five death certificates on my child, a document from my understanding needed in order to collect life insurance claims. I was told there was only one Life insurance policy on my daughter per United States Attorney Chillemi just to find out later, that in fact there are indications of more than one, but yet the U.S. attorney were not concerned either way when I told them of these new findings. SSG Williams grandmother, my daughter’s great grandmother, had a definite policy on my child and SSG Williams had one on my child per his own mouth, but yet the U.S. attorney were not aware of these very important details of foul play, you tell me what that sounds like. Yes, I agree, there is some serious concealment efforts being exercised in this case and unfortunately for everyone it happens to involve my daughter. Worst of all, if all that was not enough, SSG Williams supports the woman who murders his first and only child and not only helps this demonic woman out jail, but assures the judge that he will provide her a place to stay and personally supervise her himself just to make sure she was free and unharmed. Who goes through these extreme;ludicrous lengths to make a woman happy who just murdered his only child unless of course they have something to hide making it more beneficial for him to have her out of jail for whatever unknown , concealed, and deceitful reasons.


     This corrupt behavior I am truly appalled and I am not dubious to the fact that the government’s corrupt behavior against my daughter, myself and my family is not the first and I can promise you will not be the last for I am very aware of this type of behavior against several victims, after all I am a victim firsthand myself, and now I am victimized twice through my daughter. I know what is going on, the question is what is going to be done about this behavior. Would I be incorrect in my assumption that a conspiracy circle is formed between all whom have something to hide in this case, therefore creating deals and favors for each other to scratch the others back in return for the other to scratch their back kind of deals. So far that is what I can see is literally  happening without assumption, all the criminals and criminal representatives (so called-“prosecutors” and defense) are receiving all kinds of deals and bargains every time I turn around like they are the justified “victims” and if  that was not enough that the true victims will never ever receive any compensation for the raw deal they were dealt of the murder of my child, we are continuously  further victimized as we watch everybody being taken care of  at our further expense. Where are our deals of justice for my child, for myself and for my family with the most extreme prosecution of these rightful owners. They shouldn’t be receiving the deals, they have it backwards, we’re the victims, we should be receiving all the deals in their feeble attempt to compensate for my daughter’s death,  however something they will never be able to fulfill- but yet we are not even receiving that much attention and respect. So Again I ask what is going to be done about this constant disrespect delivered so harshly delivered on top of our already heavy burden of grief. These are the many disparities from which I speak of which create more than a reasonable doubt, enough doubt that makes it impossible to just shake or dismiss this case like nothing is even there concerning SSG Donnyell Javon Williams alone.



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This Is Not A Political Process At All, So Where Is The Sensitivity........

I pray all are genuine in their approach to seek justice  for my daughter and my family. However, I am baffled to the reasoning behind why the prosecutors concerns are totally displaced in their encouragement to make a difference in the ruling against my daughter’s murderess based on a possible influence of my victim impact statement despite what little they have done to help this entire case, when everything I have said or requested up until this point was disregarded and dismissed anyway. Surely not one word is needed in order to aggressively avenge this demonic behavior committed against any child, for a homeless child with no relatives with in which to speak on their behalf or influence justice based on a word or two, is also a life, a human, and no more significant than the next man as well. In other words, if in fact Nailah did not have me to speak on her behalf, it is already obvious no one from her father’s side including his self are supportive, a sorry exuse for a father I might add, however should this make any difference as to how harsh any sentencing against any murderer should be handled with the same extreme intensity in the highest degree of zero tolerance for a life taken unjustly. I would hope the attitude of our “justice system” and I quote, would avenge not just a child, but any life taken so illegitimately  with or without someone of the relative sense to grieve behind them, in a country which claims representation of honor and integrity. When a child is murdered by an adult, a child doesn’t even have a fair chance in such an unbalanced “struggle” in more than one aspect of the word, mentally or physically. In other words this bargain sentencing is a crime in itself and has no place in the market of "murder", what an outrage to even allow such a bargaining chip to any said offender who murders anyone so illegitimately. My fight will never be over until justice is served or I am dead myself, and if the government or justice system feels that is what needs to occur in order to stop my seeking my daughter’s justice, then so be it, for over my dead body is the only way I shall give up such a fight.



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