Nailah Khalisah Sana Williams-Sabree
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 Bargained Sentencing

Final Sentencing

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I am a delightful active, smart, and beautiful little girl who just turned four years old February 3, 2004. My name is Nailah Khalisah Sana Williams-Sabree, for short I am also known as Na-Na. I know all my ABC's and all my numbers up to 20.I have lots of babies (dolls), whom I love all very much.I love to collect rocks, nothing particularly special or pretty,  for a piece of granite would suit me just fine. I love to love and be loved by everybody, especially my mommy and my daddy.A spanking with a belt, someones hand, or any other object for that matter is not necessary to get me to feel a deep sense of remorse if I mess up. My feelings are easily hurt with just a stern disapproving look from my mother or father and everyone else I love and care about. Just one look is all it takes and I am welling with tears over just my parents angry expressions. My most favorite playmate in the whole world is my big cousin Jabari Sabree. Jabari just turned 6 years old on July 4, 2004. I look forward to starting school just like my older cousin Jabari, just like a big kid. My cousin Jabari just lost his tooth and I can't wait to lose mine just like him. My cousin says I have to wait until I get bigger. Everything seems so much grander being a big kid, I absolutely cannot wait to get bigger!!!!!!..... This is a summary of who my little girl was and expressed to be. Nailah was robbed of just these "simple pleasures"- a God given right- pleasures which were all so much grander to her. Nailah will never learn to count higher than 20, she will never lose a tooth, she will never go to school, and ultimately Nailah will never get "bigger". Nailah loved her father, Donnyell Williams- a supporter of this heinous crime- she even loved her step-mother, April (Smith) Williams, her murderer... Please, America help us end this awful epidemic involving our children, let's end this madness with Nailah. Our children deserve to grow up, they deserve a life!...

Purpose of Nailah's Petition Website...

The primary purpose of this website is for awareness and through awareness encourage the fight for what is right. The fight for the protection of our children in blended families under our "justice" system and a call for a stiffer punishment for those offenders who even think about hurting our 'children'- our 'future'!!!....

Share Your Stories of Child Abuse In Blended Families...

I want to hear your stories. Sometimes it helps to know you are not alone and there are other people who can emphathize with you and relate. Often times when you have something in common, although tragic, it is the key ingredient to bringing us all together to make a prominent and promising change. Strength comes in numbers. We have to become those numbers to become that strength that bring about that rewarding change worth fighting for.....

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