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Welcome To Nailah'sHome Page...

Hello America, and welcome to Nailah's web page. Our journey is with high hopes to not only bring justice for Nailah, but in fact on a much broader scale for all our children of America. Because you know what, it can't just stop with her. This is not just my struggle, America, but this is a fight for us all who have children and therefore live with the same threat of the lack of protection under our injustice system for our children!


Updated Nov 17, 2005- Ladies and gentlemen the date for April's plea hearing has changed for a plea of voluntary manslaughter only as opposed to the previous plea of 2nd degree murder sought by prosecutors only weeks prior. This decision to set up this plea bargain did not include me, the mother of the deceased and victim. I need not elaborate any further, our system is just simply not working. Thank you all who have supported my daughter and all children with your kind words and prayers of support, you will not soon be forgotten and have even further instilled hope that the entire world is not evil, there is still some good left. I hope there is enough good left to ensure this type of awful pattern of lack of protection for our children through our system which is not even our system at all cease to thrive as it continues today. Once again now with my child and several children before my child this behavior by our system has been allowed to continue on by us because maybe we figure it is not my child or grandchild, well let's stop it -God forbid - it is our child too, don't let it be your child, stop it now let's stand up to the system that is a privileged system not for everyone but only for the privileged and make it not a justice system just for the privileged but for everyone and everyone's children. April may only get 4 or 5 years for the murder of my 4 year old child and there is nothing I can do about it. However, I have faith when all is said and done God will prevail, no matter how dim things seem now. Please continue to pray for my family and I and remember don't give up the fight for this very worthy cause. Praise God and the people he sent to support us in such a worthy cause. I invite all willing and able to come sit in this public sentencing hearing on January 25, 2006 at Camden Cty Federal Courthouse Camden, New Jersey 4th and Cooper St.10:00 a.m. and support Nailah and this entire cause. Thank you all for your support and most of all for your contribution in allowing our children a chance to reach adulthood, our future and their future to becoming outstanding, contributing, productive citizens! Please view additional adjoining pages in side bar menu for more update info regarding the case titled "What's New"+ "Updates"......


America, recently on May 15, 2004 my 4 year old daughter, NailahWilliams-Sabree was murdered by her step-mother, April (Smith) Williams, on Mcguire AFB, New Jersey.

This report, among others, was aired on CBS news channel 3, KYW-TV Philadelphia, PA on May 18, 2004.

On June 9, 2004, April (Smith) Williams was granted bail in Camden, New Jersey Federal Court on only manslaughter charges.

  April (Smith) Williams admitted to committing several acts that killed Nailah. Reportedly the cause of death was listed as brain swelling from blows to the "forehead". I feel justice is not done. This is clearly not manslaughter, but in fact this is murder. We all deserve justice in the right way. What is the right way--, in a country" .....In God We Trust....", then "Do unto others as you would have them do unto to you", would not only be a good motto to follow but it is God's commandment and it is God's law that we should continue to base our decisions on in the continued upliftment of our country and around the world. Our children are being abused everyday right here in our own family. We are having war right here in our own country. Please help us fight the war right here in America. Together we conquer, divided we fall.

Nailah's father, Donnyell Javon Williams is a staff sergeant of the Air Force and a resident of Chicago, Illinois. Donnyell Williams assisted his wife and murderer of his child, April (Smith) Williams, in obtaining bail. What kind of representation is Donnyell for our country? As of right now Donnyell has no charges and is still currently active in the U.S. AirForce armed services.Also there is some question of a request for eight death certificates by Donnyell's family, definitely a rise of suspicion in my oppinion. In addition, the "great"- grandmother of Nailah on her father's side is said to have a life insurance policy on my child.

America, would you please help me in getting justice for my deceased daughter and the many other lost angels who have left us in vain. Please help us take a stand against this madness. Child abuse and child endangerment in blended families is a huge epidemic. Help stop the madness not with black on black crime, or black on white crime, or even white on black crime, but in fact people against people, American against American, family against family......      


Manslaughter or Murder?

A question which is not really a question at all? Looking at it with the naked eye and deeper, I am sure we could agree it is not debatable, but in fact very clear. Our system, they call justice system is not a justice system at all, but in fact has strayed further from what I feel its original goal was in its creation. However, as times change, so must conditions of the laws of the land convert accordingly. However, some laws are meant to stay generalized in order to serve a more overall purpose entirely. By this I am simply saying, our system is failing us big time in the children department- our future- and with no future we have nothing. Our system is boggled down with too many particulars unnecessarily. Example would be the current issue at hand, whereas this should be a simple process, our system intervenes with too many insulting technicalities. A mistake is a mistake (manslaughter). Similarly, self-defense is self-defense. While just as similar, murder is murder. Degrees of murder is ludicrous and most definitely appalling. Our system has become so twisted up with convenient privileged addendums to the law until that is exactly what our system has become but a privileged system not for the people as it once may have been. I believe our system has a lot of cleaning up to do. Capital murder, the death penalty is a charge only offered, with no disputes, for an officer of this same system. I believe this is a great honor and avengeance for our "sincere honorable officers", however we as a people all hold a very significant place in creating our society. Are we not all worthy of the same honor and value, especially when it comes to our children whom defenseless as they are, have no chance but through God through us, especially when it comes to our future. Have we become so caught up in the hither, that the nither is so obsolete. ' Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth'. When a child is murdered by an adult, a child doesn't even have a fair chance in such an unbalanced "struggle" in more than one aspect of the word, mentally or physically. However, would you not agree that the famous bible verse quotation mentioned above to be a fair rule of exercise, while still however not nearly adequately justified enough in accordance with such a heinous crime as one dealing with a child. What is our children's worth? How much is our children's honor and value worth to us...... 

Talk To Me...

Please, if you have any suggestions or comments that may enhance this website or anything that may be more appealing to our visitors, I'm all ears and definitely open for your ideas. Thank You....

Angel for Eternity

Nobody here on earth has it better than you right now cradled in your true father's arms. Mommy loves you always, babe....

Sign Petition and View Signatures

Our children are our future, therefore a more dedicated effort should be contributed to protecting them. We as the people are the key to creating our desired society. Child abuse in blended families is an epidemic ignored and should be a priority in our stand against the lack of interest in our children's self-worth by our system. It is up to us to come together and ensure our most desired, safe, and productive society of our future. Further, it is also with this in mind the exact reason why our children should be #1 in that plan...